Telegram has shown over time that in terms of security and privacy it is a little more powerful than WhatsApp. However, Users are not exempt from having their account stolen since naivety is not a factor covered by the platforms. If you want to minimize this problem and not fall for scams, here we will give you the best security tips.
6 tricks to prevent your Telegram account from being stolen
Telegram is a fairly complete messaging application. Even WhatsApp has copied many of its functions and currently they are quite similar to the point that they may be able to steal your account. You can avoid it if you know these tricks and follow the advice that we will show you below:
Use the secret Telegram chat
Telegram does not have end-to-end encryption in its conventional chatsHowever, the conversations are stored in places where third party access is not possible. However, when we start a secret chat, they do have the functionality. To do this you must follow the following steps:
- Enter the Telegram app.
- Tap the pencil icon located in the lower right corner of the screen.
- At the top you will see the option “new secret chat«.
- The Telegram contact list will open, where you must choose who to start this secret chat with.
Place an access block to the app
Like any app on Android You can add an access block to prevent third parties from entering without your authorization. It can be a pattern, password or biometric scan. It doesn't matter if you do it through a security app or with the internal Android function, the important thing is to add this layer of security.
Telegram also has a native password system to lock the app and prevent a stranger from entering your conversations. If you want to activate it you must follow these steps below:
- Log in to your Telegram account.
- Enter the app settings by tapping the settings menu button located in the upper left corner of the screen.
- In the “settings” section, tap where it says “privacy and security.”
- Go into "fullfilment of security requirements» and click on «lock code».
- Activate the secret code by following the system instructions.
- After enter the secret Telegram PIN It takes you to a series of extra settings where you can activate fingerprint unlocking. Also, you have the option to choose the auto-lock time and choose whether you want media files to be displayed in multitasking or not.
Activate two-step verification
La Two-step verification is a very important security mechanism in this type of applications. It works as a layer that prevents your account from being stolen easily or alerts you, in a way, when someone tries to do so. To enable this option we must do the following:
- Log in to your Telegram account.
- Press the three bars button located in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Go to “settings” and then “privacy and security”.
- Select the «two-step verification » and create your password.
- Follow the system steps and place a recovery email.
- Open the email you have provided, copy the code received and enter it in the app.
Once the password is established, the system will show you a window with the option settings. Among them is the option to change the password, deactivate it or change the email. Making these types of changes will require verifying that you are the one making them.
Deactivate open sessions
It is common open Telegram sessions on other screens, but maybe you forget to close them once you finish them. It is important to verify which ones we have indicated and deactivate them as soon as possible. To do this you must follow this route: Settings / Devices / Close sessions automatically.
Indicate who can add you to groups
On Telegram it is quite easy to know who a certain person is because anyone can add us to a group. Once you do this you will have access to our data, profile photos and even the phone number. However, there is an option to prevent anyone from doing it and you must do these steps to block it:
- Enter your Telegram account.
- Tap the bar menu button located in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Go to “settings” then “privacy and security”.
- Tap on “groups and channels”
- Select who can add you to groups if «all»Or«my contacts«. Add exceptions if you wish.
Delete your account
You can delete your Telegram account if you lose control of it for a long time. However, this must be scheduled in advance as a safety and prevention method. To do this you have to follow these steps:
- Log in to your Telegram account.
- Tap the bar menu button located in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Go to “settings” and then “privacy and security”.
- Locate the “delete my account” option where it says “if I am outside.” By default it indicates a year, but you can program it to be for one month, three months or six months.
With these security measures you can prevent your Telegram account from being stolen. However, the best option is to always be attentive to strange messages that you receive in the app or from other media. For example, email or SMS.
From these platforms they can try to trick you into stealing the two-step verification code or getting you to click on links. Also, they usurp identities of known accounts to try to trick you. This valuable information must be shared with other users and that can be your job for the day.