The friendship suggestions that Instagram shows you are not by chance, there is a technical procedure which makes the recommendation based on certain parameters. It is not by magic, on the contrary, it includes a lot of your behavior on the social network, interactions and other factors of interest. Let's find out what the algorithm does to tell us users who to follow.
How the Instagram algorithm works for friend suggestions
Every time we use our Instagram account the algorithm creates compatibility calculations, either through likes, comments or even accounts that we follow. This generates a large database related to the behavior we have on the social network and based on that information it generates friendship suggestions.
For this The Instagram algorithm takes into account several factors that can be crucial to stand out in the “suggestions for you” section.. Normally, there you will see user accounts that offer content that you may like or that the social network considers can increase your experience on the platform. Let's see what you take into account to do it:
Your activity on Instagram
Every time you leave a comment, like or share a post, the algorithm analyzes the content and extracts valuable data from there. For example, the song, the type of information it shows, the theme, what you have commented on, and search within its platform for similar products. These will be shown to you and the way you react to them will create the possible suggestions.
Likes and interests in the social network
Obviously, what leads you to use Instagram constantly will be the main point for friendship suggestions. For example, if you get a notification about a political issue and you don't run to see it, the algorithm knows that that doesn't motivate you; Now, if you get a notification from a pop artist and you open it, this marks a point in your tastes and interest.
So, what the algorithm does is show you content from pop artists and based on your reactions, it will do an analysis and show you friendship suggestions that have this theme in common. Sometimes it is not so accurate, because it can be a very specific taste, but as you use the social network more the algorithm will better filter what it shows you.
Searches you perform
As the saying goes "he who seeks finds" and the Instagram algorithm knows that if you use the search engine frequently to locate Asian food restaurants, you will like this content. The next thing it will do is create a routine of constantly displaying typical food from this area and depending on how you behave, it will suggest friends who love Chinese or Japanese food.
People you don't follow
If a user follows you but you don't follow them, Instagram will constantly show you this profile as a friend suggestion. It starts from a premise where, if he follows you, at least follow him too, and perhaps he won't stop doing so until you stop and press the "follow" button.
famous accounts
A friendship proposal that Instagram constantly makes is from famous or popular accounts. Even though you don't show any interest in following them, the fact that they have millions of followers makes them a profile worth promoting.
Contacts you have on your phone
Another factor in friendship suggestions that Instagram uses is the phone numbers of your mobile contacts. This data is used as registration in the social network and the app has permission to use this notebook to check against its database and considers that, if it is registered in your contacts, it must also be registered in the social network.
Hashtag you follow and use
Hashtags are those tags that you use to expand the display range of your publications. In addition, by using them in content, you can also follow them and based on that interest, Instagram deduces that you like them and suggests similar accounts or accounts that compare the same taste.
Contacts on other social networks
If you have a contact that you follow on Facebook or WhatsApp, Instagram asks why don't you follow them on the social network? and immediately suggests this friendship to you. What you don't know is that perhaps you no longer use Facebook, and initially you were friends on this platform, but on Instagram you are no longer interested in being friends.
Accounts that are looking for you
Just like you searching for accounts on Instagram, other users may be doing the same with your profile. If they suggest a completely new friendship to you, they may have tried you contact through search engine of the social network.
In this way, friendship suggestions on Instagram influence and as you can see, it depends on many factors, not only on how you behave, but also on how other users act around your profile. If you liked the content, share it and help other people understand how the Instagram algorithm works in this section.