msvcp140.dll error

How to fix MSVCP140.dll error

If your Windows computer shows you the error message MSVCP140.dll, in this article we will show you the steps to follow to solve it

usb password

How to password protect USB?

Do you want to keep sensitive, private or even confidential content on your flash drive safe? So you can password protect USB.

Acrotray: what is it? It is safe? how to deactivate it

Acrotray: what is it? It is safe?

Find out what Adobe Acrotray is and what it is for. It's a virus? It is safe? Here we tell you everything and we tell you how to deactivate it.

Access Diskpart tool in Windows

Methods to format a damaged USB

Does your PC not detect the USB? Do you have a damaged USB memory and want to format it? In this post we offer you the solution to your problem.